March 9, 2025

10 thoughts on “2021 Holidays and 2022 New Year’s Resolutions

  1. It will be very interesting to accompany them with these purposes, knowing that they will help me improve my English.

  2. I am committed to continuing to improve my English skills with Maestro Sersea. This new year, 2022, is projected great, even more so with the innovations of Maestro Sersea. So, here I’ll be, happy to share the new experiences with all of you.
    Thank you Maestro.

  3. I spent my New Years Holidays at home, celebrating with my family, including my beautiful 8 grandchildren.
    even though we are still afraid of Covid and Influenza, we took all the care needed to avoid contamination and overcome the fear and preoccupation. Now we are facing a new year that brings us hope and faith, but we all know that there are always stones in the middle of the road. However, we should never anticipate sad things, but live each day as if it could be the last one and find joy and satisfaction in every step we climb. So, my resolution for the new year is: to be happy all around the road ahead.

  4. Good afternoon Teacher. thanks a lot for your message
    In New Year evening I was really tired because I worked too much thay day, and also the temperature is so high in my country, arround 40 degrees. But I drank a couple of wines . Besides that , everithing is all right for this news days in this new year.
    I have same resolutions for this new year: work hard., save some money, work and practice every day english. Plan of vacation maybe by July, I would like to visit BARILOCHE, in Argentina. There is mountais with snows there. I will work for my dreams.
    Thanks again for the lessons and I wish you have a wonderfull year

  5. Happy new year to Sir! And all of you my English learner friends. Sir is working so hard and provides us many ways to learn this language like podcast, Radio station, vocabulary videos on YouTube. I am very thankful to Sir for your kindness and great support. This year 2022 I am working hard to improve my skills whether it is a language or technical skills. Because knowledge is the king of all education.
    Thank you so much sir for your valuable time and effort.🙏

  6. Respected Sir,
    Have a Sparkling New Year !
    Sir ,
    Your seven point New year’s resolutions are very high. My blessings are with you. You are doing a great job
    My new year’s resolution is to upgrade my school classes (which is charity based )to matric system. To meet my expenses I have to raise funds for underprivileged students. For teaching them English subject I have to improve my English language. Thank God I got a very good platform, Maestro Sersea . com.
    Best Regards.

  7. My Resolutions for this year 2022
    For this year I have set up some goals that I want to achieve, the lasted year 2021, I feel that I have improved my English skills considerably, so this New Year I want to continue getting my goal, this year It will be my second year so, I am so anxious to put all my andeavor. Also for me is a priority to save money, and It would be fantastic if I can to get a new job with a best wage. I want to thankful to you, thank you so much for your support throughout this year for all the materials and tools that you are providing us to go on improving this New Year,
    My best wishes for this year 2022 to you and your family and to all.

  8. Hello my professor,
    Thanks for sharing with us some of your year’s accomplishments .
    Getting better with English is my year’s deuty.
    There are every day accomplishments that I can’t avoid.
    Anyway talking with new people around the world is a new challenge that helps learn a lot.
    Wish you my teacher; happy new year.
    From your Student, Pellumb, Albania.

  9. Hello Sir! I salute you 🙏
    Thank you for sharing with us your achievements for 2021 and your plans for 2022. You’re doing a great job! Be blessed.
    My plans for 2022 are:
    1. Continuing improving my English with you
    2. Working on my master’s thesis and complete it
    3. Evangelise people and baptized them
    4. Taking care of my family and my community
    5. Helping people, the most vulnerable of my community
    6. Continue to help orphans children and children born to teen mothers who are suffering from rejection
    7. Visiting my children abroad
    8. Buying a new car
    9. And other family duties
    Thank you

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